Broadcast 33: Structured Word Inquiry and Scientific Study of Words

picture of Peter BowersPeter Bowers of WordWorks Kingston joined us to model and discuss an instructional approach called “structured word inquiry” that uses the linguistic tools of the word sum and the matrix to make sense of the spelling-meaning structure of words.

Peter Bowers is a PhD candidate at the Faculty of Education at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario. He taught elementary school for ten years and is the founder of the Wordworks Kingston. His research on the effects of Morphological instruction has been published in journals such as Review of Educational Research and Reading and Writing. His workshops have helped schools take on a structured word inquiry approach in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and North America. He is a passionate educator who is part of a growing community of learners/teachers who delight in making sense and meaning of English spelling through scientific inquiry.

Watch the video below for his presentation or click here to download the handout for this Live Broadcast in pdf format.

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