Online Reading, Writing & Spelling Therapy

Professional Therapy

Professional Therapy

  • Live one-on-one weekly lessons with your therapist
  • Customized to your child's unique needs
  • Guaranteed grade level improvement in 2 months

Free Therapist Consultation

Children who complete the Lexercise program
 improve 3 grade levels  on average!

Grade Levels

We  guarantee  results!  More Info

Live 1-on-1 Therapy

Your therapist leads one-on-one sessions via webcam for 45 minutes each week.

Live 1-on-1 Therapy

Daily Practice

Your child completes online games, videos & activities to reinforce lessons between sessions.

Daily Practice

Fast Progress

Your child becomes the secure, confident student you know they can be.

Progress Monitoring

Our Team of Certified Academic Language Therapists and OG Certified Therapists

Jen Parra, M.Ed, CALT, C-SLDS

Amanda Bush M.Ed., CALT

Jessica Badgett, M.Ed., CALT

David Shectman, M.Ed.

Free Therapist Consultation