Emotional and Behavioral Problems Test

This free screener will test if your child is likely to have an emotional and behavioral problem that may be interfering with their academic success. Problems of this nature may be mild or may be more serious such as Conduct Disorder (CD), Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), and/or Disruptive Behavior Disorder (DBD).

Try Our Test

infographic about the vortex of dyslexia: how different triggers can cause emotional challenges

For dyslexic children, what begins as an educational problem can quickly descend into an emotional problem.
Learn more about the Vortex of Dyslexia.

Are you worried that your child’s emotions or behaviors are negatively impacting their learning?

Emotional or behavioral problems can make it harder for your child to learn. Our highly skilled educational therapists are experts in understanding how emotional and behavioral problems can complicate children’s literacy challenges, and they can help children work through those literacy challenges using our online therapy program. Our therapists understand how emotions tie into learning challenges as shown in this illustration of what we refer to as the Vortex of Dyslexia.

This free emotional and behavioral screener consists of questions organized in three sections: Organizing & Remembering, Focusing & Flexibility, and Regulating. Your child does not need to be present for this test.

Emotional and Behavioral Problems Test: Organizing & Remembering

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Emotional and Behavioral Problems Test: Focusing & Flexibility

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Emotional and Behavioral Problems Test: Regulating

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How often does your child:

Have difficulty getting up and getting ready for school in the morning?

Take a long time to complete simple tasks?

Have difficulty planning and/or organizing tasks?

How often does your child:

Have difficulty with situations that require change and new ways of doing things?

Have difficulty participating in group activities?

Have difficulty estimating how long it will take to complete a chore or a project?

How often does your child:

Seem to tire easily when doing school work?

Complain of aches, pains, or other discomforts?

Have trouble tolerating boredom or tedious tasks?

Have difficulty falling asleep at night?

Have frequent tantrums or emotional outbursts?

Resist authority? (e.g., argue with or frequently disobey parents and/or teachers)

Please provide the following information so we can calculate your child's results.

Child's Information

Select a child:

Add New Child

Adult's Information

Please answer these optional questions to help us better serve you:

How did you first hear about us?

How confident are you that your school will effectively address your child's reading difficulties?

Have you purchased other reading programs or tools?

What FREE resources do you feel would help you understand and support your child's reading struggles? (select all that apply)

What are the main challenges you or your child face with reading? (select all that apply)

What kinds of support and services are you currently looking for? (select all that apply)

If your child struggles with independent reading, which emotions do they experience? (select all that apply)

Did you know that Lexercise offers reading therapy services in addition to free testing?

How are you (parent/caregiver) coping with your child's reading struggles? (select which best applies)

What's most important to you in a reading program? (select which best applies)

How confident are you that your school will effectively address your child's reading difficulties?

Lexercise educational therapist on her computer, looking at the camera and smiling

Let Us Help!

Concerned about your child’s test results or other potential learning disabilities? Our highly-trained literacy experts are ready to help via our Reading & Spelling Inventory. This is what you get when you sign up for this service:


    Access our science-backed suite of literacy assessments, customized to your child’s specific needs.


    Meet with one of our expert therapists, from the comfort of your own home, for a 45-minute, online consultation.


    Receive a detailed 8-10 page report for your records, along with a guide on next steps and resources that can benefit your struggling reader, writer, or speller.

All of this and more for a flat fee of $195

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