Written by Liz Jensen
Published on May 7, 2021
“I am thankful for Lexercise…Once [my son] sensed his improvement, there was no turning back. The most gratifying part of this phase of [his] life, was to see his self-confidence flourish alongside his reading skills. Today, [he] has overcome his dyslexia so dramatically, that he is an A-student in Honors English as a high school junior, and plans to take Advanced Placement (AP) English Literature next year as a senior. He will soon be applying to some of the top universities in the country. The vicious cycle that once left him feeling ‘dumb’ (reading poorly > not being interested > therefore continuing to read poorly) was obviously never about his intelligence. Lexercise was the key tool that helped [him] to unlock not only his reading potential, but his self-confidence…he… no longer feels like his dyslexia is a ‘disability.’ In fact, we have always marveled at the different way [his] brain works, how he troubleshoots solutions to all kinds of problems that the rest of us ‘non-dyslexics’ in the family didn’t imagine. We are very proud of who he has become. Thank you, Lexercise!”
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