David Morales, parent

“I am thankful for Lexercise…Once [my son] sensed his improvement, there was no turning back. The most gratifying part of this phase of [his] life, was to see his self-confidence flourish alongside his reading skills. Today, [he] has overcome his dyslexia so dramatically, that he is an A-student in Honors English as a high school junior, and plans to take Advanced Placement (AP) English Literature next year as a senior. He will soon be applying to some of the top universities in the country. The vicious cycle that once left him feeling ‘dumb’ (reading poorly > not being interested > therefore continuing to read poorly) was obviously never about his intelligence. Lexercise was the key tool that helped [him] to unlock not only his reading potential, but his self-confidence…he… no longer feels like his dyslexia is a ‘disability.’ In fact, we have always marveled at the different way [his] brain works, how he troubleshoots solutions to all kinds of problems that the rest of us ‘non-dyslexics’ in the family didn’t imagine. We are very proud of who he has become. Thank you, Lexercise!”

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Liz Jensen

Customer Operations Manager

"As an avid lifelong reader and dedicated homeschool parent, I have had the privilege of guiding my two children through their entire educational journey up to high school. Since joining the Lexercise team in 2017, I have been passionate about contributing to our mission of transforming lives through literacy. I find great joy in helping families access the support they need through our platform and collaborating with our exceptional team of reading specialists. Being part of this impactful work is truly fulfilling."