Written by Taylor Quinn
Published on May 13, 2016
It’s nearing the end of the school year and grades are coming in. No matter what, you are proud of your child, but their education should not stop with the last school bell of the year. They need to continue their education over the summer. Learning loss is inevitable when kids have the summer off from school and educational enrichment. Students can lose up to fifteen percent of their academic ability over the summer if they don’t regularly read or write.
This is why the end of the school year is a perfect time to start Structured Literacy therapy with Lexercise. If your child did well, you don’t want them to lose two month’s worth of information they worked so hard to learn– especially if they have a learning disability like dyslexia. It is already hard enough for them to learn, and continuous reinforcement is key to them retaining information. Help them keep what they have learned and boost their abilities and confidence for the next school year.
If your child’s school year did not go as well as you hoped, grade retention is not ideal– but Lexercise therapy is. We guarantee a grade level increase in reading abilities after two months of therapy or we will pay for the third month. Conveniently, summer vacations are usually around two months– so you would see that reading grade level increase before the start of the new school year. Within two months, your child will likely be caught up with their classmates– greatly minimizing the need for retention.
We know that summer vacation is a time for straying from your routine and you aren’t always sure where your family will be during a given week. Luckily, Lexercise is available wherever you can gain wifi access. All of the lessons are done via webcam, and the customized practice can be done on any device. Lexercise was created to make Structured Literacy therapy easy and accessible for you and your child.
Your child does not need to have dyslexia in order to benefit from our Structured Literacy therapy– especially during the summer months. But, if you suspect your child may have dyslexia you can have them take our free screener here.
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