Creativity and Dyslexia

creativity-and-dyslexia-blogDyslexics struggle with reading, writing, and spelling but they often excel in other areas. Many dyslexics gravitate towards to arts and prove to be very creative. There is currently no research proving the direct relationship between learning difficulties and creativity. However, this doesn’t mean that those with a learning disability don’t have high creative potential.

dyslexic child coloring with crayonsIt’s believed that artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Pablo Picasso were dyslexics. It’s only natural to direct one’s attention and effort to an area that is gratifying and comes naturally, like artistic ability, rather than one that doesn’t, like reading. The Yale Center for Dyslexia and Creativity reports high creativity in children and adults with dyslexia is merely a result of the dedication and time dyslexics spend exploring new methods of learning.

As we have seen with many famous dyslexics, their success comes from turning their “disadvantages” into their strengths and finding different and creative ways to problem solve and overcome difficulties. The same reason a dyslexic’s brain processes a <b> as a <d> by looking at the shape from all angles allows amazing artistic abilities to imagine and create an object from all angles as well. Furthermore, “most dyslexics tend to think in images as opposed to words, this is in part due to the activation of the portions of the brain” (Jones, 2016) that most adults often don’t use.  dyslexic child using their creativity with artAs a result, what others see as innovative or creative is second nature to a dyslexic.

People with dyslexia often have amazing language and communication talents that go way deeper than their word-reading and spelling disruptions.

Along these lines, I was excited to read about Voices of Dyslexia, a new online journal featuring creative work by people with dyslexia. The editors, Dana Guthrie Martin and Kristen McHenry, “are interested in publishing pieces that exemplify the creativity, artistry, and vision of dyslexics. The site accepts poetry, essays, interviews, academic work, audio recordings (of poetry, prose, interviews, conversations, and the like), musical compositions, images, and videos.”

To build a positive growth mindset around your child’s dyslexia you should encourage whatever interest they gravitate towards whether that be a creative expression or something else. Furthermore, you can increase your child’s future success by addressing their dyslexia now. Schedule a free consultation with one of our dyslexia therapist to learn more about our research-backed reading, writing, and spelling therapy.


Jones, Rod. “Art and Dyslexia: The Picture-Perfect Combination?” Senior Artist. Senior Artist, n.d. Web. 16 Dec. 2016.


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Marie Lunney

Marie struggled with reading, writing and spelling as a child and knows the frustrations of finding and receiving language therapy. She has since overcome her childhood struggles and recently graduated Cum Laude from Elon University with a BS/BA in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Marie is enthusiastic about helping families find convenient, personalized and effective language therapy.