Five Must-Read Books for Dyslexics and Their Parents

must-read books for dyslexics and parentsEveryone needs a role model who shares similar struggles, even if they are fictional characters. The following five books revolve around a dyslexic character who faces his or her disability head-on. They are designed to be relatable and give young dyslexics the courage to try new things and believe in themselves.

1. The Lightning Thief  by Rick Riordan

the lightning thief book coverThis book is about a dyslexic, ADHD boy who thinks he is simply average but discovers he is a demigod. His triumphs will remind your child that anything is possible even when you have a learning disability. This series follows Percy Jackson through his adventures. The series even has a few box-office movies that may pique your child’s interest.




2. It’s Called Dyslexia by Jennifer Moore-Mallinos

it's called dyslexia book coverThis children’s book packs a sweet and intricate story into 36 pages. This author does similar books on multiple types of disorders. The story features a young student who knows the alphabet but can’t quite put the letters together to form words and sentences. She gets increasingly frustrated until her teacher explains that she has dyslexia and gets her the help she needs.



3. Tacky the Penguin by Helen Lester

tacky the penguin book coverTacky is a penguin that doesn’t always do everything right. His perfect friends pick on him for being different, but it is his outlier personality that ends up saving the day. This is a cute story driving home the message to simply be yourself no matter what.





4. Author A True Story by Helen Lester

author a true story book coverThis book is by the same author as Tacky the Penguin, but this time, her story is about her. She struggled to write as a young girl because she had reading disabilities but ended up becoming a successful author. In the book, she even gives tips on how to write when it is frustrating for you to do so.




5. What is Dyslexia by Alan M. Hultquist

what is dyslexia book coverThis book is unique in the sense that it is specifically written for parents to read with their children. It is informative but does not talk down to the children accompanying their parents in reading. It also includes activities for parents and children to do together.

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Taylor Quinn

Blog & PR Intern

Taylor is a senior studying communication at NC State University. As the Blog and PR intern for lexercise she utilizes her passion for writing to help inform parents of struggling readers, writers and spellers. She feels a connection to Lexercise through her love for children and their well-being.