Written by Taylor Quinn
Published on June 1, 2016
Mistakes can cause frustration for your child, but they can also be used to teach your child to process frustration in a healthy way. It will be hard, but you have to let them make mistakes and deal with their frustration on their own before you intervene. If you always do the hard work for them, they will always turn to others for help and one day those people will not be at arm’s reach. Here are some tips for facilitating growth from your child’s frustration.
Encourage the expression of emotions
Tell your child that it is okay to feel frustrated. If you try and ban the emotion, they are just going to become more frustrated.
Take Breaks
All kids need breaks, but kids who have learning disabilities need them more often. Frustration is an emotion that goes hand in hand with disorders like dyslexia– they are simply unavoidable. Taking breaks will allow your child to reset and try again with a clear mind.
Being silly with your child will take the pressure off them and lessen their frustration. Having fun will take their mind off the daunting task at hand.
Play board games
Board games are a great way to teach patience, sitting still and taking turns while still being in the form of a game. They will be learning how to deal with frustration without even knowing it.
If you think your child may have dyslexia you can screen them for free in 10 minutes here.
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