Who is Qualified to Make a Dyslexia Diagnosis?

Who Is Qualified to Make a Dyslexia Diagnosis?

Guidance on Getting a Dyslexia Diagnosis

You may be concerned that your child is dyslexic. But who is qualified to make a dyslexia diagnosis? The school may be telling you one thing while your pediatrician is telling you another. So, who is eligible to diagnose dyslexia? The therapists at Lexercise are here with insight. 

Dyslexia Diagnosis Criteria from The NCLD 

Unfortunately, no federal law defines who can provide a formal dyslexia diagnosis. However, The National Center for Learning Disabilities (NCLD)  has advice on guidance about the diagnosis of dyslexia and the determination of a disability.  

The NCLD has provided the following guidance about who may diagnose dyslexia:  

“Professionals with expertise in several fields are best qualified to make a diagnosis of dyslexia. The testing may be done by a single individual or by a team of specialists. A knowledge and background in psychology, reading, language and education are necessary. The tester must have a thorough working knowledge of how individuals learn to read and why some people have trouble learning to read. They must also understand how to administer and interpret evaluation data and how to plan appropriate reading interventions.”

You can take a free online dyslexia screening test to gauge how likely it is that dyslexia is playing a role in your child’s learning difficulties. However, only a trained, knowledgeable specialist—like a therapist or clinician with dyslexia-specific certification—can provide a formal diagnosis. 

Which Doctor Should I Visit for Dyslexia Diagnosis?

You might be wondering, “Can a pediatrician diagnose dyslexia?” Naturally, many parents instinctively visit their pediatrician at the first signs of dyslexia symptoms. However, your child’s primary care doctor or pediatrician cannot provide a dyslexia diagnosis unless they also have a trained dyslexia specialist on staff. In many cases, your pediatrician will simply offer a recommendation or referral to a specialist. 

If you want to skip this step, you can have your child directly evaluated by a qualified therapist. Online evaluation has become especially popular with the rise of telehealth access. This process is easy and convenient for parents while offering more immediate results. If you prefer in-person care, you can also make an appointment with a qualified professional in your area.  

Evaluating for Dyslexia and Other Language Processing Disorders

The International Dyslexia Association‘s facts sheet on Testing and Evaluation by Diane J. Sawyer, Ph.D., and Karen M. Jones, Ed.S., NCSP makes the following points about what should be included in an evaluation for dyslexia and other language processing disorders:  

  • Background information should be included.
  • Intelligence testing is no longer considered necessary. Instead, oral language abilities (listening and speaking) are more predictive.
  • Oral language skills should be documented.
  • Word recognition (word reading) should be tested.
  • Decoding should be tested.
  • Spelling should be tested.
  • Phonological processing should be tested.
  • Automaticity /fluency skills should be tested.
  • Text Reading /comprehension should be tested.
  • Vocabulary knowledge should be tested.
  • Evaluation outcomes should provide the framework for the detailed evaluation of relative strengths and weaknesses across the various skill areas.
  • Diagnosis should be made by a professional who is thoroughly familiar with the important characteristics of language-literacy disorders/dyslexia.
  • Intervention planning recommendations should be included in the written report.
  • Documentation should acknowledge that the “specific criteria, such as cutoff scores for eligibility [for special education] vary from state to state”.

How Lexercise Can Help with Dyslexia Diagnosis and Treatment

The Lexercise Evaluation Procedures have been developed based on current dyslexia diagnosis best practices. We use the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Federal Act 1990) definition of “disability” (i.e., ”a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities”). 

Lexercise therapist can diagnose dyslexia

Reading and writing are certainly considered “major life activities”.  Our dyslexia evaluation is designed to determine if the individual has an “impairment which substantially limits” reading and/or writing.

Lexercise refers to professionals with this kind of expertise as “clinicians or therapists.”  Our clinicians and therapists may have gotten their basic training in psychology, speech-language pathology, education, or medicine. Beyond that basic training, they have had extensive training in language science, including reading and written language science, as well as in testing and measurement, as described by the IDA Standards

If you are a parent ready to take the first steps toward a better understanding, you can screen your child for dyslexia for free online in just 15 minutes. You can also put your mind at ease by reading about some common dyslexia myths. Our online therapy options are here to help your child overcome the challenges of dyslexia.

6 Responses to Who is Qualified to Make a Dyslexia Diagnosis?

  • Heather Crass commented

    So I read this entire article and it never answered the question!!! WHO IS qualified to make a dyslexia diagnosis?!!!! Can someone PLEASE tell me?!! You described all the qualifications a person would need but never told me what title this person might hold so I ca actually seek them out! And you described your services as helping my child overcome their learning disability, but never said how I actually get them diagnosed! I have known since a very early age my daughter was dyslexic. But neither her pediatrician, nor the school system, nor the university reading center could tell me how to get an actual diagnosis. Now she is 16 and I’m tired of watching her struggle!! She can’t remember left and right, gas/brake, forget directions, math leaves us on tears regularly, she can’t remember b/d or the number 3. Spelling is atrocious. But she is super smart and driven. She needs more time on tests due to slow pace of decoding but no one can help me get an actual diagnosis! Please help!
    Heather Crass

    • Andrea Lacotte commented

      Hi Heather,
      Professionals who are qualified to diagnose and treat dyslexia may have professional degrees in education, speech-language pathology, and/or psychology. In addition to a professional degree, qualified professionals will have additional, specialized training, meeting the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) Knowledge and Practice Standards (KPS). Most educators, speech-language pathologists, and psychologists do not have this specialized training.

      Lexercise professional development courses are accredited by the International Dyslexia Association (IDA). You can schedule a free 15-min. consult with a qualified Lexercise Therapist to help you think through the best course of action for you and your child. Or, for more information, contact Support@Lexercise.com

  • Jonathan commented

    That was a nice reading and reply, but still not answering the question…

  • Anthony Longo commented

    I’m a 63-year-old man who is definitely dyslexic, maybe even on the spectrum, and there’s really no one to help get a diagnosis or treatment.

    I’ve struggled my whole life being an odd ball not fitting in, and now I have a job in a corporation that wants me to prove that I’m dyslexic and once me to provide them with the guidelines and the things necessary to help me. This is a giant corporation and I don’t understand why they don’t know what they’re doing, and why there’s not more help for people that are out of school.

    • Sandie Barrie Blackley, MA/CCC commented

      There are definitely things adults can do to improve their reading and spelling. It does take some work and guidance from a structured literacy coach. Listen to Bruce Shields (age 63) tell how Lexercise helped him (load 3 pages down to find his video): What People Are Saying.

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Sandie Barrie Blackley, MA/CCC

Sandie Barrie Blackley, MA/CCC

Sandie is a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, a former university graduate school faculty member, and a co-founder of Lexercise. Sandie has been past president of the North Carolina Speech, Hearing & Language Association and has received two clinical awards, the Public Service Award and the Clinical Services Award. She served two terms on the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists.

As a faculty member at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, Sandie developed and taught structured literacy courses, supervised practicum for speech-language pathology graduate students, and coordinated a federally funded personnel preparation grant. In 2009, Sandie and her business partner, Chad Myers co-founded Mind InFormation, Inc./ Lexercise to provide accessible and scalable structured literacy services for students across the English-speaking world.