Prevent the Summer Slide with Lexercise

Boardwalk stretching across sand and across the sea

What’s on your family’s calendar for summer? A National Park vacation? Visit to grandma? Swimming lessons?

What about maintaining or improving your child’s reading and spelling skills?

Prevent the Summer Slide

While that may not sound like typical summer vacation fare, Lexercise Basic Therapy makes it easy for students to catch up and keep up. In just two hours a week over the summer, you can help your struggling reader or speller overcome their difficulties and be ready to thrive in the next school year.

You can fit in Basic Therapy sessions whenever your schedule permits, and since it’s online, you can even take it with you. Plus, it can be continued into the school year without disrupting your child’s school schedule.

An online program to improve reading, writing, and spelling for children struggling with dyslexia or a learning disability, here are the basics of Basic Therapy:

  • Working side-by-side with your child, you follow easy, recorded instructions to work through the self-paced online program.
  • Basic Therapy includes lessons and games with visual and audio prompts, plus parent education materials.
  • The content of the lessons covers the basic concepts of the English language – exactly what your child needs to become a competent, consistent, and confident reader and speller.
  • After each lesson, your child completes a series of fun online exercises reinforcing the work you’ve done together.
  • A skilled Lexercise therapist is assigned to each participating family to answer questions and help when needed.

It’s that simple. And it works! Children who complete the Lexercise program improve three grade levels on average. Their reading, spelling, and comprehension improve. They become more confident, fluent readers, and their grades improve.

See what parents of children, just like yours, are saying on our Testimonials Page. And if you have any questions about our programs, or want to learn more about how Basic Therapy works, you can visit our Basic Therapy page, contact us via email at or call us at 919-747.4557.

What a great addition to your summer!

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Sandie Barrie Blackley, MA/CCC

Sandie Barrie Blackley, MA/CCC

Sandie is a Fellow of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, a former university graduate school faculty member, and a co-founder of Lexercise. Sandie has been past president of the North Carolina Speech, Hearing & Language Association and has received two clinical awards, the Public Service Award and the Clinical Services Award. She served two terms on the North Carolina Board of Examiners for Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists.

As a faculty member at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, Sandie developed and taught structured literacy courses, supervised practicum for speech-language pathology graduate students, and coordinated a federally funded personnel preparation grant. In 2009, Sandie and her business partner, Chad Myers co-founded Mind InFormation, Inc./ Lexercise to provide accessible and scalable structured literacy services for students across the English-speaking world.