Written by Sandie Barrie Blackley, MA/CCC
Published on June 11, 2012
When a homeschooled child struggles to read, write or spell, parents may work overtime to figure out why and find the right teaching tools for their child. In fact, such parents may not even have a name for their child’s problem or know where or how to find a trustworthy diagnosis. Some parents turn to their child’s pediatrician for answers; others look for support online, where both information and misinformation are abundant.
The most critical step in getting care for a struggling reader and/or writer is to get a professional evaluation that measures, describes, diagnoses the child’s problem, and outlines a program of intervention. Professionals who are qualified to test for and diagnose dyslexia include specially trained psychologists, speech-language pathologists, and clinical educators.
Language-processing differences, such as dyslexia, are by far the most common type of learning disability (LD), accounting for more than 80% of LD children. According to the International Dyslexia Association, in any group of 20 students, there will be three to four with symptoms of dyslexia. People with dyslexia are typically smart but struggle with slow or inaccurate reading, poor spelling, poor writing, and/or mixing up words.
Thanks to insights from recent research, dyslexia can now be diagnosed, even in young children, with far more focused, efficient, and less expensive methods than in the past. In addition, these “best practice” methods for evaluating and treating struggling readers and writers are a perfect match for the emerging technologies in telerehabilitation—direct delivery of services using computer-based telecommunication (online) devices.
This means that a child can now get a home-centered, online, comprehensive evaluation and then if warranted, customized online face-to-face therapy with a skilled clinician, as well as motivating daily practice sessions to help the child progress more quickly and shorten the total time needed to advance to grade-level reading.
The clinical educators at Lexercise have the knowledge, skills, and experience to evaluate and treat language-processing problems, online via webcam, so you can take advantage of our program anywhere with internet access. Based on a foundation of tested and validated Orton-Gillingham principles, Lexercise is individualized care for children who struggle to read, write or spell – no matter where they happen to live.
If your child has difficulty reading, writing, or spelling, Lexercise can help. Take a look at our Online Dyslexia Testing and Treatment page or contact us directly at Info@Lexercise.com or 1-919-747-4557.
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